February 8, 2021
Object detection is one of the most praised use cases of artificial intelligence. In simple terms it is an algorithm searching for objects in an image and assigning suitable labels to them. It is sometimes confused with image classification due to their similar use case scenarios. In particular, the goal of object detection is to identify the object and mark its position with a bounding box, while image classification identifies which category the given image belongs to. Needless to say, the former is more suitable for images that have a few objects of interest in them or if the object constitutes only a small part of the image. Example images below show which tool suits a picture better.
November 3, 2020
Today we are releasing a new version of our platform and we have decided to start our blog to keep you updated about the progress in our development and other related news. The most significant update of this new version is AI-assisted labeling. Some AI-assisted labeling functionalities, such as smart labeling tool, have already been part of SentiSight.ai platform, but now we are bringing those to a whole new level.