Object Detection Deep Learning – SentiSight.ai https://www.sentisight.ai Image labeling and recognition Fri, 11 Feb 2022 12:36:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 The Evolution of Object Detection https://www.sentisight.ai/the-evolution-of-object-detection/ Thu, 03 Jun 2021 07:00:00 +0000 https://www.sentisight.ai/?p=7168 Even though object detection seems like an innovative computer vision technology, it has been all around us since the early 1960s. Its first applications included character pattern recognition systems in office automation related tasks, assembly and verification processes in the semiconductor industry that directly contributed to various countries’ economic development.

A decade later they were implemented in the pharmaceutical industry for drug classification, chromosome recognition tasks in the biomedical research field and bill recognition tasks within ATM machines.

These traditional object detection methods followed template matching and sliding window approach, when in order to detect an object in an image, you had to slide its template across the picture starting from the top left corner. For every position you would get either a high or a low correlation score, depending on how well the template matched the object of interest. However, this method was not very accurate if the template picture had a different pose, size, scale, or if the object of interest was occluded. 

Traditional object detection approaches

Viola-Jones detector

In 2001, the Viola-Jones detector [1] was proposed to solve a face detection problem in computer vision, the problem being computer’s need for precise instructions and constraints to complete a task. 

Their detector was based on a feature extraction and classification method that allowed them to diligently analyze an image to see if any of it contains a human face. To achieve that the algorithm had to go through four stages:

  1. Selecting Haar-like features – black and white rectangular boxes combined in such a ratio that represents specific features of a human face, for instance, lighter upper-cheeks and darker eye regions.
  2. Creating an integral image in order to evaluate which parts of the image have the highest cross-correlation with the feature. 
  3. AdaBoost training:  selection of the best features and trained classifiers that use them. 
  4. Cascading classifiers: responsible for filtering out sub-windows containing objects.
Viola-Jones detector - haar like features

This detector was highly accurate and could be used in real time to successfully detect faces and non-faces, however, its training time was slow and it missed texture and shape information. Since it was developed primarily to solve a face detection problem, Viola-Jones detector was never generalized.

Histogram of oriented gradients

Another feature descriptor called the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) [2] gained popularity after the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition held in 2005

Mainly used in self-driving cars and other applications that require human detection, this method attempts to extract contrast in different regions of the image, based on an idea that the object’s shape can be defined by the length and density of gradient vectors.

Histogram of oriented gradients

After an optional gamma normalisation, the input image is divided into a dense grid that consists of connected cells and for every pixel gradient’s magnitude and angle are computed. Subsequently, for every cell a histogram of orientation is created and weighed by the magnitude of the gradient or a clipped version of it.

Locally normalising an image provides contrast normalisation which consequently improves accuracy. All the cells combined into blocks can be extracted as, so called, HOG features and used in a support vector machine (SVM) or any other machine learning algorithm for training on two data sets – images that contain an object of interest and the ones that do not. The HOG feature descriptor can be used to detect various objects, although it is best suited for human detection.

Deep learning approaches


Following technological advances large datasets started emerging to improve training of innovative AI focused algorithms and models. To improve their performance, the curators of one of the datasets called ImageNet started running an annual software contest ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC).

As anticipated, the competition surpassed creators’ expectations and its 2012 winner convolutional neural network (CNN) classification model AlexNet [3]marked the start of modern history of object detection. It was a fast graphics processing unit’s implementation of a CNN, based on an old LeNet structure, combined with data augmentation that achieved the lowest error rates. The success resulted in AlexNet rejuvenating interest in neural networks and becoming the most influential innovation in computer vision at that time marking the beginning of the deep learning revolution.

Region proposals

The turning point for object detection technologies was when Region-Based Convolutional Neural Network (R-CNN) [4] was integrated into this field. The proposed model was based on a selective search algorithm extracting around 2000 region proposals (bounding boxes that may contain an object) which were then reshaped and passed on to a CNN for analysis. Features extracted in this process were used to classify region proposals and the bounding boxes were refined using a bounding box regression. This approach was accurate, yet slow and could not be implemented in real time, therefore, its successors quickly took over its place.

R-CNN variants Fast R-CNN [5] and Faster R-CNN [6] both attempted to solve their predecessor’s problems. By performing the convolutional operation only once per entire input image, they extracted a feature map from it which notably increased the model’s performance. Moreover, Faster R-CNN completely eliminated the time-consuming selective search algorithm by replacing it with a separate network to predict region proposals. This decision significantly improved the model’s test time and allowed it to be implemented in real-time object detection tasks.

You Only Look Once

Around the same time You Only Look Once (YOLO) [7] algorithm has emerged. As the name suggests, in this algorithm a single convolutional network is used to predict classes and bounding boxes in one evaluation. The input image is divided into squared cells and each of them are responsible for predicting a specific amount of bounding boxes. Boxes that have a low probability of an object are removed while those having a high probability of containing an object are refined so that they fit tightly around the objects of interest.

YOLO algorithm

Depending on the model, YOLO processes images from 45 frames per second and makes fewer false positive predictions compared with other algorithms, qualifying it for real-time applications. However, due to its strong spatial constraints on bounding box predictions, there is a limited amount of nearby objects it can detect and small objects that appear in groups cause prediction discrepancies too. Needless to say, its updated versions, such as YOLOv2 [8]and YOLOv3 and YOLOv4 [9], improved the overall detection accuracy and were better at detecting small-scale objects.

Single Shot MultiBox Detector

As an improvement to previous state-of-the-art object detection technologies Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD) [10] was presented in 2016. Just like YOLO, it is a single-shot detector recognising multiple object categories. By using separate filters for different aspect ratio detections and a small convolutional filter applied to feature maps predicting object category scores and bounding box outputs, SSD achieves significantly more accurate and faster results, even when relatively low resolution input is given. Nonetheless, a few of its drawbacks include confusion between similar object categories and slightly worse accuracy on smaller objects.

From 2017 onwards

Nowadays object detection continues to be a prosperous field, covering areas such as pedestrian and traffic light/sign detection for autonomous vehicles, human-computer interaction, and face detection for security and identity checks.

Some of the latest additions to computer vision technologies are RetinaNet [11]and CenterNet [12]. The former, mainly used in aerial and satellite detection, has proved itself useful in working with small scale and dense objects. The latter is a new approach to object detection that detects center points of objects thus eliminating the need of anchor boxes that are used in other methods.

Due to object detection being a key ability for various computer and robot vision systems, never-ending research contributes to further progress. Adoption of machine learning methods and development of innovative representations improve our understanding in the field and certainly brings us closer to the future models that are capable of real-time open-world learning. SentiSight.ai’s object detection service incorporates the latest  technologies and keeps them at user’s fingertips. We continuously try to improve our interface and make it as user-friendly as possible for beginners and experts alike.

Take a read of another article for a quick insight into how users can train their object detection model using SentiSight.ai.


  1. P. Viola and M. Jones, “Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features”, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, Inc., 2001.
  2. N. Dalal and B. Triggs, “Histograms of oriented gradients for human detection”, IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2005.
  3. A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever and G. Hinton, “ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks”, Neural Information Processing Systems, Vol. 25, 2012.
  4. R. Girshick, J. Donahue, T. Darrell and J. Malik, “Rich Feature Hierarchies for Accurate Object Detection and Semantic Segmentation,” IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Columbus, OHIEEE, 2014.
  5. R. Girshick, “Fast R-CNN”, IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 2015.
  6. S. Ren, K. He, R. Girshick and J. Sun, “Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2017.
  7. J. Redmon, S. Divvala, R. Girshick and A. Farhadi, “You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection”, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2016.
  8. J. Redmon and A. Farhadi, “YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger”, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2017.
  9. C. Kumar B., R. Punitha and Mohana, “YOLOv3 and YOLOv4: Multiple Object Detection for Surveillance Applications”, Third International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology, 2020.
  10. Chengcheng Ning, Huajun Zhou, Yan Song and Jinhui Tang, “Inception Single Shot MultiBox Detector for object detection”, IEEE International Conference on Multimedia, 2017.
  11. T. Lin, P. Goyal, R. Girshick, K. He and P. Dollár, “Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2017.
  12. X. Zhou, D. Wang and P. Krähenbühl, “Objects as Points”, arXiv:1904.07850, 2019.
Quickstart guide for training object detection model using SentiSight.ai https://www.sentisight.ai/quickstart-guide-for-training-object-detection-model-using-sentisight-ai/ Mon, 08 Feb 2021 08:44:53 +0000 https://www.sentisight.ai/?p=6570 Object detection is one of the most praised use cases of artificial intelligence. In simple terms it is an algorithm searching for objects in an image and assigning suitable labels to them. It is sometimes confused with image classification due to their similar use case scenarios. In particular, the goal of object detection is to identify the object and mark its position with a bounding box, while image classification identifies which category the given image belongs to – typically single or multi label classification. Needless to say, the former is more suitable for images that have a few objects of interest in them or if the object constitutes only a small part of the image. Example images below show which tool suits a picture better.

Object detection | image classification

Training object detection models using SentiSight.ai: simple as ABC

Owing to the SentiSight.ai’s image recognition online platform’s user friendly interface and detailed video tutorials, everyone can train a neural network model for object detection! This guide will present all the things you need to know about the process.

Prepare your dataset

First of all, you need to create a new project, then upload and label your images. Notice that you can choose an image-wide label for all images during upload. It will become useful when drawing bounding boxes around objects since the label will be added automatically. If you forgot to do that during the upload, don’t worry! You can achieve the exact same result by selecting all of the images containing the same object and assigning the label as shown below or label them manually afterwards.

Dataset preparation

To prepare them for object detection training, select Label images from the panel on your left and start the annotation process by drawing bounding boxes around the object of interest. If you tagged the images beforehand, you do not have to do that in this stage. Otherwise, you will have to enter the label name for each bounding box, a simple process via our user-friendly image annotation tools.Annotation process by drawing bounding boxes

You can easily check whether you missed any images by selecting NOT + Contains object labels in the filtering by type section. Do not forget that to train an object detection model you will need at least 20 diverse images containing the object of your interest’s label.

Train your model

That’s it, you can start training your model now! Go to Train Object detection and set the training parameters. As a basic user, all you have to set is the training time, although you can leave it at the default value which ranges between 120 to 720 depending on the number of classes you are training on. Please, note that the model might stop training earlier if its performance does not improve for a certain period of time (which can be adjusted in advanced options).

Train object detection model

Evaluate and use your model

Once the training process is finished, go to Trained View training statistics. Here you will find all the information about the model you have trained. The panel is divided into two sections: model performance on the ‘train set’ consisting of the same images on which the model was trained and the ‘validation set’ that consists of the images that are used for an independent model evaluation – these are the images that the model has not seen during the training process. If you would like to view the actual model predictions on images  in your dataset, click show predictions. The black bounding box with a top right label defines the ground truth while the colored one – predictions. The intersection over union (IoU) parameter shows how much both of the bounding boxes are overlapping and, depending on the result, marks them as correct or incorrect.

Evaluation of your model

Once you have a trained model, there are three ways of using it. You can use it via web-interface (useful for quick testing), you can make queries via our REST API (cloud-based solution), or you can download it and use it on-premise. You can read more about the model deployment options in our user guide.

Using your trained model

Master object detection using SentiSight.ai

Due to our AI-assisted annotation tool, improving your model is now easier than ever. Since it enables iterative labeling, you can use your trained model to predict labels for new images, correct specific ones if needed and repeat the process until you receive the desired result as we explained in the blog post regarding AI-assisted image labeling. If during any of this process’ stages you require some additional help, we provide informative user guides and video tutorials, and a possibility to request a custom project tailored to meet your specific needs. We also offer pre-trained models that could be useful if the objects you need to identify are already included in the list of objects these models were trained on.

