NLP – Image labeling and recognition Tue, 15 Oct 2024 11:00:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Breezy Transcription with AI Companion Tue, 15 Oct 2024 14:16:01 +0000 […]]]> Recalling the content, topics, or issues discussed in an online meeting has never been easier with the help of artificial intelligence. Often, we don’t have the opportunity to jot down everything during a meeting while the microphone is on. With AI’s capabilities and its tools, it’s now possible to automatically generate meeting summaries, capture key points, and assess speaker engagement.

Features of AI Companion

Language models developed by OpenAI, Anthropic, and Meta open up new possibilities for accurate and high-quality AI-powered transcription. For example, Zoom, which introduced its AI Companion for subscribers, has trained this system using a vast array of employee meetings from various organizations, significantly enhancing the potential for successful outcomes.

Using natural language processing, AI synthesizes long discussions and organizes them into summaries, highlighting the most critical points. One of the key applications of this tool is meeting summaries, which can be generated at any time during a meeting, not just after it ends. On platforms like Zoom, for instance, users can access this feature whenever they need it. Additionally, AI can create idea boards, visualizing the expressed thoughts.

With the phrase “catch me up,” the AI Companion can take notes of the conversation that might have been missed or misunderstood during the live meeting, helping users stay on track with the current discussion.

Another feature is the ability to capture the emotional tone of the meeting. After the meeting, machine learning systems can summarize the overall atmosphere, noting the emotions expressed by different participants, identifying moments of tension, and more.

Yet another functionality is identifying the most active speaker. Although the system doesn’t provide exact speaking time for each participant, the generated transcript can offer a clear idea of who contributed most to the discussion.

The Significance of Transcription with AI Companion

As in many fields, AI tools automate certain processes, saving time in the process. This means that during or after a meeting, there’s no need to finish taking notes or try to capture the details you may have missed. AI captures all the meeting’s details, creating thorough and comprehensive notes that cover everything.

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An example of an AI-generated abstract. Image credit: Zoom

By eliminating the need for multitasking, AI allows participants to focus entirely on the ongoing discussion, fully engaging in the conversation without the distraction of taking meeting notes.

Another crucial aspect is that AI-generated notes are created even when the conversation isn’t being recorded, using temporary transcripts to generate summaries. These AI-generated notes are valuable for those who missed the meeting, providing an unbiased account of the conversation. This is important, as different colleagues might emphasize different issues or solutions discussed during the session.

It’s worth noting that transcription tools aren’t only useful in business meetings, where they’re especially convenient. Emotional tracking is also valuable in business contexts, as it helps identify whether a client is interested in a proposal or assesses participants’ moods during conflict resolution.

However, this tool is also beneficial in universities, where lectures often present a large volume of information, making it hard to note everything. It’s especially helpful for students with health issues that make note-taking difficult.

In journalism or publishing, this tool can help structure public speeches, important announcements, or material from meetings and conferences.

Nonetheless, this technology requires a clearly defined structure and thematic consistency to ensure that the summary is of high quality.

Final Word

In a world where time is increasingly scarce, transcription with AI Companion becomes a valuable tool that saves time and allows us to focus on more demanding tasks—like engaging in meaningful discussions and fully participating in various meetings. Sources: Zoom, Wired

Responsible Web Scraping in the Age of AI Fri, 11 Oct 2024 06:51:00 +0000 […]]]> The primary operating principle of artificial intelligence relies on large volumes of data, the scale of which allows AI tools to function more effectively and accurately. One common method of acquiring this data is through web scraping, which enables access to vast streams of information. But is this method truly ethical and free from legal concerns? Are the websites from which data is extracted treated fairly, and are intellectual property rights properly respected?

What is Web Scraping?

Web scraping is a process of extracting desired information from a specific website and exporting it into a more convenient format for the data collector. Although this process can be performed manually, it is more often conducted using automated tools. While web scraping is legal, it can become unlawful when attempting to access data that is not publicly available.

In simpler terms, the process works by assigning URL codes to a web scraper before data extraction. The scraper then retrieves the necessary data and exports it into a preferred format, such as CSV, Excel, or JSON.

The Opportunities and Risks of Data Scraping

AI-powered web-scraping tools, such as GPTBot or Google-Extended – commonly referred to as bots – are used to scan websites and collect data, helping improve language models (LLM) and AI technology in general. This plays a significant role in refining AI models to ensure accurate results.

However, there is increasing focus on how AI might impact ethical standards and data protection. As a result, web scraping is often viewed as controversial, and some website owners may choose to block bots from scraping their data.

Various tools are available to help monitor AI bots collecting data and to identify those attempting to conceal illegal data access. The concern arises primarily from fears that AI-powered information retrieval tools might misuse available information and illegally gather data from websites, which also increases the risk of compromising sensitive data.

For example, creators of journalistic content aim to preserve the uniqueness and reliability of their work, and they do not want AI systems to use their data, which increases the risk of manipulation. According to Palewire’s research, 47% of news websites already block AI bots.

Another area of concern is retail. Each e-commerce website builds its brand by creating unique content, and information retrieval poses a risk to their competitive advantage and intellectual property if it is used without consent.

On the other hand, blocking bots can be inconvenient for the websites themselves. In some cases, using specific bot-blocking tools can reduce a site’s visibility and hinder accessibility. Additionally, such a decision distances the site from contributing to the development of high-quality machine learning tools, as there is a risk of losing valuable data that could enhance AI models and drive progress.

Final Word

The new age of technology compels us to seek ways that ensure respectful and fair collaboration between website owners and web crawlers. Gradually, tools are emerging that will help find a balance, allowing owners to decide whether they truly want to block all AI bots and potentially hinder technological advancement. It is also likely that a form of agreement will emerge, providing web crawlers with specific terms of use and responsibilities for granting access to content creator information.

Sources: Parsehub, Yoast, Wired

How AI Helps People with Disabilities Access Written Materials Tue, 17 Sep 2024 11:26:10 +0000 […]]]> There is widespread discussion about the emergence of AI and its growing influence across various sectors of the market. Increasing attention is being given to the challenges and risks posed by AI. However, this technology also impacts certain vulnerable groups, providing them with the opportunity to live differently—in other words, better than before. One such area is reading, which is arguably one of the most fundamental skills and daily activities. Therefore, the capabilities of artificial intelligence open doors for people who are unable to read conventional printed text.

AI Usage in Reading

Individuals with various disabilities, such as dyslexia, reading comprehension difficulties, cognitive, or visual impairments, often face challenges in reading normally. Some are entirely unable to see printed text, others struggle to identify individual words, while others have difficulty understanding the overall meaning of what they’ve read. As a result, these individuals are often unable to access a wide range of information or knowledge.

The application of artificial intelligence in the reading process can be broken down into several aspects.

Firstly, the use of speech synthesis. Text-to-speech systems allow users to listen to printed text, which is particularly beneficial for people with visual impairments. Additionally, for those with dyslexia, it can be very useful to have written text available while simultaneously listening to it. This dual approach helps better absorb material and eases the reading process by eliminating the need to independently identify words.

Although some current programs offer relatively basic text-to-speech technology, this field is improving and becoming more refined—with more natural and clearer voices, a wider selection of languages, and options to adjust reading speed or choose the voice.

Secondly, for those who have difficulty understanding what they’ve read, AI can be employed to simplify the text. Algorithms can shorten sentences, explain complex words, or summarize content.

Furthermore, tools like Alexa, Google Assistant, and others can act as additional aids to help in reading and understanding unclear parts of a text.

It’s important to note that every disability involves different needs when it comes to reading written text. Therefore, AI-based technologies allow users to select specific areas where assistance is needed. It’s also crucial to have universal tools that provide all functionalities in one place, while still allowing individuals to select the most beneficial features according to their personal needs. Examples


Microsoft offers a product called Seeing AI, designed for people with visual impairments. This multi-functional app essentially provides audio descriptions for any object, including written material. After scanning the required text with a phone, the user can hear what’s written and receive the necessary information.

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Seeing AI app. Image credit: Microsoft

There are also programs such as Read&Write and ClaroRead, which are multi-functional tools that include features like font customization, colour and contrast adjustments, and text highlighting as the system reads it aloud. These are extremely useful for individuals with dyslexia.

These programs make it easier and more accessible for people to read digital publications by allowing them to tailor the experience to their specific needs.

Final Word

The use of artificial intelligence for people with various disabilities can enhance opportunities and provide access to written materials that they might not otherwise be able to obtain. This demonstrates that technological advancements not only improve the user experience but also promote equality by ensuring free and unrestricted access to information without limitations or challenges.

Sources: Microsoft, Okeenea, Texthelp, Current Opinion in Pediatrics, Researchgate
